Google Analytics Traffic Growth

Real Digital Marketing Client Results

Real Google Analytics Traffic Growth For Our Clients

Increased site visitors from 300, to nearly 1,000 a month

GA User Growth Graph 2
Our SEM work helped them:
  • Increase traffic from search
  • Generate traffic from paid ads
  • Build a social media following
  • Acquire email addresses for newsletter marketing
  • Increase leads
  • Increase revenue
  • Generate ROI

Increased site visitors from under 1,000, to over 15,000 a month

GA User Growth Graph
Our SEM work helped them:
  • Increase traffic from search
  • Increase the number of newsletter subscribers
  • Increase the number of online transactions per month
  • Increase revenue each month
  • Generate ROI

2020 website traffic (blue) increased by 500% compared to 2019 (orange). 2019 = 1,000 visitors vs. 2020 = 8,000

google analytics year over year comparison
Ongoing SEO and Blogs helped them:
  • Increase organic website traffic
  • Increase leads and form submissions
  • Increase Revenue
  • Generate ROI
  • Improve brand authority

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