- 513.272.3432
- sales@webfeatcomplete.com
- 4907 Eastern Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45208
Bass Lake
The Bass Lake Campground site needed a refresh, and webFEAT was more than up for the task of modernizing their online presence. They wanted the site to fully convey the beauty that is found on the campground, as well as entice viewers with all of the opportunities and attractions in and around the area. They wanted it to be on brand and recognizable as Bass Lake by using their colors and imagery that people associate with the campground while also conveying the modern and appealing atmosphere.
When you’re starting from scratch with a brand new website, ramping up the SEO efforts can take some time. For Dillon Bass Lake Campground, we have made tremendous strides over the past few months growing their organic web traffic. We have seen their organic traffic grow by 26% and we expect the growth to continue and be amplified by ongoing SEO and the other digital marketing efforts we are providing to supplement.
Design Highlights

We outfitted the entire website with scrolling motion graphics to help draw viewer’s attention to the information on the site, along with the beautifully crafted imagery. All of this comes together to help the viewer feel as though they are already at the campground.

At the bottom of the homepage, we included an interactive map spotting where exactly the campground is located. This way, users are able to get a feel for the location as well as what is all available in the area.

All throughout the website we included vibrant, appealing, and informative industry. The website is intended to be the first step of of a user’s experience with Bass Lake Campground, and we wanted to allow them to be fully immersed in all of the beauty and amenities that the campground has to offer.