Digital Marketing Blog
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Using Images in Email Marketing: Dos and Don’ts
A common debate in the digital marketing world is whether or not you should use images in your marketing emails. Some argue that images clutter emails and make them difficult to read, while others think marketing emails should be entirely images. Statistically speaking, images that include some sort of graphic
6 of the Best Digital Marketing Educational Resources
The digital terrain is constantly growing, changing, and evolving. Whether you are an aspiring digital marketer or an expert in your role, there is always new information to learn. At webFEAT Complete, our team places a strong emphasis on continued learning and professional development. We are constantly searching the web
10 Tips To Writing Engaging Email Subject Lines
How many emails do you get a day? And how many of those emails do you swipe to delete without even opening? An email’s subject line is the first impression you get of an email. Subject lines are often what get you to open the email. By writing powerful, impactful
2021 Design Trends: Website Design and Branding
We say it all the time: your website is the face of your business online. It acts as a 24-hour salesperson, nurturing leads through to a sale at all hours of the day. It is essential to be sure your website is up to date, both in content and in
Optimizing Your Website For Mobile
Mobile users generate half of world wide web users. According to Statista, so far in 2021 mobile devices have generated 54.8% of global web traffic. More people are using their phones to search for things on the internet than ever before, and that number will only continue to increase. With
How To Share Access to Google Products
Instructions to share access are listed below. If you experience any trouble, please don’t hesitate to leave us a comment, or contact us. GA-Google Analytics Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Login to your account (if you are not already logged in) In the top left, make sure the correct Analytics
The Importance of Updating and Maintaining Your Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
.Every website has (or should have) two little links at the bottom that direct users to view the business’s Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. Note: businesses can combine these into one page as we do on our website. Some people may wonder “are these pages even necessary? Do I
Google Ads Guide: Call-Only Ads, Call Extensions & Call Conversions
About Google Call Ads There are 2 essential steps to Google Call Ads: 1) Setting up phone call conversion tracking 2) Creating the actual ads & extensions We are going to cover the ins and outs of both so get yourself a cup of coffee and get ready to become
Apple’s iOS 14 Updates – Ongoing SEO Will Thrive
iOS 14.5 will soon be introduced to Apple users. With this software update comes new privacy requirements that will solidify the necessity for ongoing SEO efforts. By optimizing your website for the search results, you are able to maintain connections with your business’s desired audiences. Following Google’s decision in 2020
Real Digital Marketing ROI Examples
From $6,000-$60,000+ per year, investing in a digital marketing campaign can be intimidating upfront. To ease the feeling of any worry, I urge you to consider the ROI potential. These recent, real-life examples should provide some reassurance and a feel for what could be possible with your digital marketing campaign.
Comparison of Visual and Plain Text Content
The visual vs. text content debate is a tale as old as time. Okay, it’s at least 5 years old, and there is a general consensus, but it is a heavily discussed topic in the digital marketing world. With the emergence of social media and the overwhelming shift towards online
Stock Images: The Best Free and Paid Websites
The Best Free and Paid Stock Image Websites Our Designers Swear By Many factors affect your ability to catch the attention of potential clients on the internet. It is crucial that your website has the correct information, flows well, and is eye appealing. A lot of things can affect whether