Bing Ads: A Low-Cost Addition to Digital Strategy

At webFEAT Complete, we love to drill down on data.

This allows us to gather insights, recognize opportunities, and make website adjustments that will provide a better user-experience, and encourage the likelihood of conversions that matter.

When we look at traffic coming in from organic search results, Bing isn’t normally a huge driver. However, in some industries we’ve seen a higher level of activity. EX: SaaS, Manufacturing, Lab Products, and more.

When we see a good chunk of traffic that is engaging with a website from Bing, we recommend testing out a Bing Ads Campaign. This is especially true if we’re also seeing conversions.

Bing Ads: Overview

Similar to Google Ads, there are numerous options for types of campaigns you can run. Campaign type is generally decided by what will help us reach a businesses goal.


  1. A business is looking for general exposure/awareness. With this scenario, we’d likely identify some relevant interest groups, demographics, and other targeting settings. Then we’d build out display advertisements that would be shown to users who fit into our target audience. I usually keep budget around $1-$3 per day on Google Ads, and with Bing you could stick to the lower end. With an additional $5-$10 per day budget, we could consider building out a dynamic ad campaign that targets your entire site, or certain pages. These ads have a dynamic headline and landing page that is uniquely generated to be relevant to the searches it appears for. We just write descriptions
  2. A business is looking to drive qualified traffic, increase conversions and conversion rate. In this case, we would perform research to identify valuable keywords, and target them in a search text ad campaign. Along with this, we’d create a remarketing campaign that would keep your business top of mind with the users who visited your site. We can cap how often they appear so they don’t become an annoyance to prospective customers. The budget for remarketing can be $1-$2, and search text should be a bit higher, around $10-$15 to start.

Running Bing Ads alone

could be beneficial, but it generally takes the back seat to Google Ads, due to the difference in volume. I find the tracking to be a bit more difficult with Bing, and typically just use UTM Parameters. If you have goals in Google Analytics, you’ll be able to clearly identify what quality traffic and conversions Bing Ads has driven in the “Campaigns” section, and from there put a number on ROI.

Running Bing Ads with Google Ads

For a more robust and efficient strategy, I recommend utilizing both ad platforms (pending it exhibits opportunity for your business). With this, you have the potential to get exposure where rankings are lacking, appear multiple times where you’re ranking well, keep users top-of-mind in display networks across the web, and truly grow your online presence.

It is efficient, because you can now import Google Ad campaigns, into Bing Ads. This expedites the process, and gets your business in front of more searchers, faster.

Client Results: Google + Bing Ads

Example: SaaS-wFC Comprehensive Digital Strategy Program (SEO + Content + Social + Ads)

Time Frame: 2019

Bing Ads

  • Current Budget: $32 /day
  • Sept 2019 (Started)
    • Conversions: 0
    • Cost Per Conversion: N/A
    • Cost: $44.69
  • Nov 2019
    • Conversions: 163
    • Cost Per Conversion: $0.14
    • Cost: $22.27

Bing Ads Conversion Growth Graph

Google Ads

  • Current Budget: $ 193/day
  • Jan 2019
    • Conversions: 3,294
    • Cost Per Conversion: $1.08
    • Cost: $3,554.54
  • Nov 2019
    • Conversions: 7,530
    • Cost Per Conversion: $0.78
    • Cost: $5,910.03

SaaS Google Ads Conversion Growth Graph

*Graph dips at the end, because it’s an incomplete month (December)

Comprehensive, Proactive Digital Marketing Strategies from wFC

Data-backed, targeted advertisements are a great addition to digital strategies. Bing Ads in particular can generate a lot of exposure and conversions, at a much lower cost. This is evident in our example above. At wFC, we always follow the path the data paves to identify opportunities like this, and capitalize on them.

We run numerous tests as we build out and improve ad campaigns, to create something that resonates with your target audience and encourages a successful campaign. Our services function best when they work together, and we have the opportunity to make digital strategy recommendations that will help your business achieve goals and growth.

Talk to Mitch or John about how we can help grow your business—contact us.

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