Benefits of a WordPress Website: Why It’s Our Preferred CMS

What is WordPress?

It started as a free blogging software but has since evolved to be a full content management system to build your website complete with widgets, plugins and customizable themes. A WordPress website has tons of advantages which we’ll discuss below.

WordPress is Our Forte!

We’ve folded in to our specialties designing WordPress sites for our clients. WordPress developed sites are growing rapidly and there are a million reasons to see why. So, should your company choose to use a WordPress developed site over a custom designed one? Here’s just a few reasons in support of WordPress:

  • Save Money – The difference between a custom built site and a WordPress built site is thousands of dollars. This is because when we build a custom website if you want it to be mobile and responsive optimized (and you do) a lot of extra leg work on our end is required, which raises costs. With WordPress, the base of that is built into the site, meaning designing the site takes less time and less money on your end.
  • Save Time – With WordPress you are able to make changes to your site on your own. No need to send requests to your website developer to add or remove elements (but if you’re on a webFEAT Complete plan, you’re of course welcome to do so!) Do you have a special event that just popped up? Just log in to your editor and add it yourself. We have a good number of clients, and while we turn around production requests quickly, some changes are needed immediately! In that case, you’ll be able to do it yourself.
  • SEO Friendly – Because of the consistent nature of WordPress code, Google finds WordPress sites very inviting when it wants to index your site for searches. This is especially true when you have an SEO team working on your site! As we’ve said before websites + SEO = a great marketing investment.
  • Ease of Use – Because it is easy to learn how to use WordPress, you don’t need any prior experience to update your sites content. You don’t need to know HTML or have FTP software. This is truly a one-step process when you want to add events, posts, photos, specials, etc.
  • Scalable – As your business grows, so too can your website. You can have hundreds, or even thousands of pages on your site and the overall performance will not be compromised. This means, no matter how big a company you are, your website can handle it.
  • Versatile: Let’s say you build a site, and you want to build ecommerce into it. That’s no problem with WordPress if you have a knowledgeable website design team building your website.

And More! – Other noteworthy reasons to use a WordPress designed site include easily integrating your social media profiles, multiple users can manage the site, scheduling content, automatically incorporated blogs, useful plugins, search engine magnetism, and so much more. Find more advantages here.

Some Website’s We’ve Built

Here are a couple examples of WordPress sites that we’ve designed for our clients. Click through to their sites to get the full experience.

cincinnati parks website

Cincinnati Parks

UCC Website

Universal Contracting Corporation

Is A WordPress Website Right For You?

This is entirely up to you of course. However, if you find that a WordPress site isn’t what you are looking for we still lead the way in creating beautiful custom websites for your business. See more of our work in our WordPress website design portfolio. We’d love to help you build your first website, or redesign an existing one!

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