Adobe Flash End of Life and How to Navigate It

Adobe Flash is Now Officially Obsolete

The world has known about it for a few years and now, as of December 31st, 2020, users are no longer able to download Adobe Flash. The program officially reached the EOL (end of life) date for the program. On January 12th, 2021 Adobe will block Flash content from running altogether. Adobe is no longer releasing security patches and support is no longer offered for the program. They made this decision because, as web content development has evolved, Flash has become outdated and fallen behind the progress other programs have achieved. The official announcement came 3 years in advance, in accordance with agreements between web browsers, in an attempt to give users appropriate time to migrate platforms. With the expiration of this software comes two different but equally important concerns: Security and website viability. 

How Adobe Flash’s EOL Affects Web Security

On Flash’s EOL date of 12/31/2020, Adobe removed the ability to download up-to-date versions of flash from their website, and they will no longer update the program. Programs that aren’t updated or maintained appropriately on your computer cause security issues. There is also the threat of 3rd party vendors allowing you to “download Adobe Flash”, which would be confirmed fake downloads, and can use those to infect your computer with malware. Adobe has recommended that you uninstall Adobe Flash from your computer and utilize alternative content options, such as HTML5, WebGL, and WebAssembly. 

How Adobe Flash’s EOL Affects Websites

While most websites have since switched away from their Flash-based programs, there are still some out there using this (now outdated) content format. Forbes has reported that there are, at the very least, hundreds of thousands of websites that still use some variety of Flash content. If any content on your website utilizes Flash technology, that content is officially no longer supported, and will no longer work at all on 1/12/2021. 

Another deterrent for Flash-based websites and website content is that certain web browsers will notify users that you use Flash, and try to persuade them not to use your website. Google Chrome even blocks users from accessing your website; Flash content is not supported by Google Chrome. It’s not a great look to have a big warning sign be the first impression potential customers have of your site, is it? 

Necessary Action Steps

Learn about Adobe Flash’s EOL and when Flash will become obsolete

If you’ve made it this far in the post, you’ve already accomplished this step! Now that you are aware of the discontinuation of Adobe Flash, there are steps you should take. 

Uninstall Adobe Flash

Because Adobe is no longer updating the security of the plugin, it is important to uninstall it from your computer. Hackers havethe opportunity to infect your computer with malware through un-updated plugins. Uninstalling Flash will keep your computer from being vulnerable now that the plugin is obsolete.

Be on the lookout for imposters

There will, undoubtedly, be imposters trying to pose as “update Adobe Flash” downloads. What you download to your computer from these fake sources can also infect your computer with malware. Malware harms your computer and takes your data. Now that you know that Adobe is no longer offering this program, you should not download it from ANYWHERE. Any place offering you the opportunity to download Flash is malicious. 

Convert flash content on your website to other formats

If you are the owner of a site that uses Adobe Flash, now is the time to convert your content. There are many options for this, including HTML5. Making the switch is pretty complicated. We definitely recommend that you enlist the help of a website design company for a smooth transition. Our team of certified experts would love to help you develop a brand new, non-flash-based website. We can help you capture user’s attention and keep them engaged on your website. Contact us today for more information! 

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