- 513.272.3432
- sales@webfeatcomplete.com
- 4907 Eastern Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45208
“WP3”- WordPress Protection Plan
More Than Just a Hosting Plan!
The WP3 Hosting Plan is only $120/month (Billed quarterly) Per site
SSL: (Secure Socket Layer Certificate) – Required $200/year per site
WordPress Updates for Out of Date Plugins
WordPress’ websites require frequent updates to the WordPress core, security, theme and plugins. These checks and updates must be done routinely in order to keep your site safe and secure. Our expert team will monitor your site files and complete daily checks and updates to all plugins and to the WordPress theme. After updates are made, we carefully check the integrity of the site files to make sure nothing has been compromised. We also include an extra layer of security by monitoring 24/7 with the advanced Sucuri firewall.
Added Security Measures
webFEAT’s hosting includes an extra layer of security with the advanced measures provided with the Sucuri security platform, monitoring and reporting.
Our Guarantee:
If the site files are compromised, webFEAT Hosting will repair the site files at no cost to you. WP3 sites are monitored 24/7 for any type of site outages that could occur, particularly due to plugin updates, etc. There are currently over 90,000 site hacks per minute. 52% of WordPress hacks are caused by out of date plugins. To read more about the current level of concern, please read the following article: Click Here
Secure Website Hosting Is Critical for the Success of Your Online Presence
Your webFEAT WP3 (WordPress Protection Plan) includes safe and secure website hosting and email services. Each site is protected by our security experts on our secure servers.